Toxic People: How They May Make You Feel and How to Deal With Them

Toxic is a strong word, but in human behavior,  toxic is used to describe someone who causes distress in others through negative words and actions.

A lot of us have toxic people in our lives. Sometimes we can cut these people out of our lives and sometimes we can't. But recognizing who they are, how they are making us feel, and how to deal with them, can help us move forward.

In this episode I discuss:

-Signs how toxic behavior

-How toxic people may make you feel

-Strategies to deal with toxic people

Connect with me on Instagram @changewithcoachk

Want to watch the podcast? Visit my YouTube Channel:


Madison Packer | The Life of a Professional Hockey Player and Mom: Finding a Way to Make It All Work


Beatriz Williams aka My Mom | Moving from Venezuela to Kansas at 18 Years Old: Being Brave Enough to Follow Your Dreams